Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Fun Image for Christmas Time
Internet is top thing of recreation and your contentment. Always keep a cute smile on your face by viewing funny photos on your monitor, as there is variety of funny pictures just for you. If you want these funny pictures on your system, just download it from any funny website. So, smile daily and also make others smile by forwarding them this photo funny and images. If you are notion low or sad, you can make yourself happy by watching these funny images on the Internet. Log on today and make funny photo by yourself. There are several forums on the net that are specifically meant for funny things. These might have jokes; create photo funny online with cool photo effects, and funny Christmas cartoon clippings or everything that is funny. You will find funny Christmas stories with animated pictures posted here. You will definitely roll down to laughter by seeing or reading funny things out there and make your Christmas day more brightening.
So what kind of activities you choose to fun Christmas events? Was the above review is help you enough?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Springfield, Ohio Swap Meet

Monday, November 9, 2009
Let's Talk Cars!
The sun was shining during the Let's Talk Cars car show in High Point, NC! The event included many unique classics, with great stories!
Click on the video to view this gorgeous '59 Porsche 356 1600! The paint job, two tone interior and detailing makes this classic my favorite during the High Point event!
This is a video clip of a 1956 Oldsmobile 98 Convertible! This is a stylish restoration with shinning chrome and two tone paint with the white wall tires really complete the character of this classic!
It was great to have the opportunity to view a wide range of classics during the show event. Congratulations to the organizers for having a successful car show! The gathering of classics continues every Thursday evening in High Point!
See you at the next show!
Significant Cars Open House!
Indianapolis IN 46220
They'll be having an open house this Saturday, November 14th, from 12-4 p.m. Significant Cars has everything from 'Classic Era' cars to 'Future Classics'! Below is just a taste of what you will see in the showroom!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A WIN for the hobby!!
Whew!!! Let me put that in words that I would understand: On November 4th, 2009, the collector car hobby and antique vehicles are no longer subject to emmissions testing in Lake and Porter Counties if they have: A) Collector Car Insurance or B) the vehicle has been driven a maximum of three thousand miles per calendar year and has Federally required pollution control equipment in place. The easiest thing to do is to get Collector Car Insurance!! I know just the place: http://www.hagerty.com/ Wouldn't you want to be insured by a company that cares about the hobby and protecting enthusiasts rights?
Hat's off to the ACCI http://www.acc-indiana.org/ for spearheading this movement and taking the time to make sure there's a future for this hobby!
You may ask yourself: Why do I care about this? I'm not in Lake or Porter Counties? Here's my response: It's only a matter of time until emmissions testing is expanded to a county near you. Get on board and help curb these issues BEFORE they are issues. What can you do to help? Join the ACCI, join SEMA, insure your collector car(s) with Hagerty. These are all entities that give back to the hobby and who genuinely care about your rights as a collector car owner!
Check out these links to view the details on what was accomplished yesterday:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
8th Annual Hilton Head Island Concours d'Elegance & Motoring Festival

The warmth southern hospitality was on display during the 8th Annual Hilton Head Island Concours d'Elegance (www.hhiconcours.com)!

Congratulations to Carolyn Vanagel, Executive Director, and further event organizers in making this event a success! Please click on http://www.hhiconcours.com/ for additional information this wonderful event!
See you in 2010!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Gollner Museum

Monday, October 26, 2009
Louisville Fall Swap Meet